Aqua One
Aqua One is an all natural microbe based water treatment and conditioner that works year round to maintain water quality. AO improves water clarity and works in fresh or salt water. Great for ‘seeding’ new biological filters. Reduces odor as well as the nitrogen compounds that can kill fish. It is harmless to fish, plants as well as invertebrates and reduces sludge even in the cold.
100% natural and safe for all plants, animals and fish. Beneficial bacteria breaks down algae, reduces ammonia and nitrogen and improves oxygen levels. Use to seed and maintain biological filters and dissolve organic sludge and slime. Best used when water temperatures are above 55 degrees. Application Rates: For every 501-1000 gallons, 12 oz initial treatment, 4 oz a week for the next four weeks, 4 oz monthly for maintenance.
Crystal Clear Biological Clarifier Plus
CrystalClear Biological Clarifier PLUS (Dry) is an all-natural, freeze-dried bacteria and enzyme complex formulated to remove nasty water and organic sludge. CrystalClear Biological Clarifier PLUS (Dry) is fortified with several billion bacteria colonies per gram and six (6) enzymes all selected and designed for their waste and green water degrading properties. CrystalClear Biological Clarifier PLUS (Dry) has among the highest bacteria counts presently available to the water gardening market today.
Simply Clear Dose ChartSimply Clear
Simply-Clear is a stable fast-acting bacteria that feeds on small size organic materials that often cause cloudy water conditions. As the bacteria rapidly grow they shed their outer coating which acts as natural flocculent clumping the fine particles. As the fine particles clump together they either drop to the bottom of the pond or are removed by the pond filter. Once the particles are clumped together the bacteria have a concentrated food source eliminating it from the water. The fast-acting bacteria are extremely efficient at breaking down dissolved proteins that are associated with poor water clarity. Simply-Clear bacteria will quickly clear pond water and digest and eliminate the floating particles.
MicrobeLift Sludge Away
Microbe Lift SA speeds the biological removal of slow to degrade organic waste matter from aquatic pond bottoms that may become toxic to fish and plant life. As organic solids accumulate on the pond bottom, they begin to break down releasing toxic gasses to the surrounding environment. These gaseous by-products endanger fish, marine life and plants. Microbe Lift SA removes bottom organic sludge and muck-reducing or eliminating the potential harmful gaseous compounds-and helps clarify your pond water at the same time. Microbe Lift SA contains natural cellular matter, select biological accelerators and special microbes proven effective in pond sludge reduction